Thursday, May 21, 2009

Come Away with Me

Here are some more pics. I have a few videos as well that have trouble loading. I´ll see if I can get them up. We went to the lake, lake Atitlan, on Tuesday. It´s amazing, and pretty close so I´ll definitely be going back often. You get there by riding down the mountain in the back of a pickup. The other pics with the ninos are from a couple of days ago. Ramonita had a thing of bubbles and wanted to play with them. So one of us would make the bubbles and the other would try to pop them, or we´d try to keep blowing one back and forth and see how long we could keep it up in the air. Then she decided she wanted to play in the street, and every nino on the block came out to play. So we played bubbles and then someone pulled out a ball and we played keep away and then started using two light poles as baskets to play basketball. It was a lot of fun. The kids want me to come out and play everyday now.

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