Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What will ye that I should do that ye may have light in your vessels?

Read Matthew 13:46 first: http://scriptures.lds.org/en/search?search=pearl+of+great+price

I talked with my dad the other day. He is excited about me writing, and told me to keep it up and not let anyone bring me down. "There is something special about doing what you´re passionate about." What amazing parents I have. It´s surprising to me, how I realized I always loved poetry. And the perfect timing. The same "spirit" that fills me with poetry, and that poetry fills me with, makes me a better person, my best person actually; it edifies me. I´m so grateful for it. I think we can all find things like this in our lives, like the stones the brother of Jared chose for the Lord to touch to give him light in his vessel. I feel, for me, many important things will come from my pursuit of poetry. I feel an obligation to it as well as a supreme joy in it now. I feel a need to write almost as a calling now (not that I´m anywhere near where I need or want to be yet, but I´m converted to it now), one I´m very grateful for. I know it can be a hobby for some, but I feel/know it needs to be more than that for me. A way of life. I´m gonna be a poet for better or worse forever! Hope it´s not too disappointing to anyone. Haha. But if it is, too bad. I think it is very possible for all of us to lead our lives all the very different ways we want and be happy. And find other people who enjoy it. But I think it of utmost importance to be true to ourselves. If we are, the rest will follow. And it´s just as important to not only let others follow their dreams, but to rejoice in it with them and encourage them. Thanks to all the great friends and family who support and believe in me. Neruda wrote poems since he was like six years old. His dad was a construction worker and hated the idea of his son being a poet; he couldn´t understand it and thought that meant it was worthless. Pablo Neruda is a pen name Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto chose so he could start publishing without his father realizing it. Little did his dad know that he would become the most widely translated poet ever, and one of the most accomplished and famous. So, when your dream hits you like a seed sewn on the wind, be the good ground it takes root in and brings forth much fruit from, and don´t let persecution or the cares of the world choke it or carry it away. Let it live, help it blossom and with time it will be so established and such a part of who you are, that it will speak for itself, and birds will come to sing in its branches.

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